Do Hungarians Trust Trump to End Russia-Ukraine War?
- 18 Dec 2024 1:51 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orban met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese Presidenet Xi Jinping and Trump, then the Republican presidential nominee, in July, "with the aim of gauging the stance of the warring parties and promoting peace", the think-tank said in connection with the survey, conducted with a sample of 1,000 people.
The "peace mission" had been harshly criticised by the Brussels elite, Szazadveg said.
"The survey shows that, unlike Brussels leadership, the Hungarian public backs Orban's efforts to hasten the end of the war," the think-tank said.
Fully 68 percent of respondents agreed that Orban promoted ending the war, Szazadveg said. "Thanks to the pro-peace stance of Hungary, 74 percent opposes the US government and certain EU member states shipping long-range missiles to Ukraine, it said.
Further, 77 percent of Hungarians considered there was a realistic chance that Trump would successfully end the conflict in 2025, it added.
Fully 51 percent of respondents had a positive view of Trump, the survey showed.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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