White Christmas Likely in Hungary

  • 18 Dec 2024 3:23 PM
  • Hungary Today
White Christmas Likely in Hungary
Mid-December brought unusually spring-like weather to Hungary, with highs of 8-13 degrees Celsius on Monday and 6-12 degrees on Tuesday (December 16 and 17). Night frosts have also stopped in most areas due to a westerly flow that is bringing warm ocean air from the Atlantic.

This “warm spell” will soon be interrupted, first by a minor cold snap on Friday, followed by a stronger cold front on Monday, which could bring snow for Christmas Eve in several areas. Meteorologist László Molnár told 24.hu that although the details remain uncertain, the shift in weather patterns is becoming clearer.

Wednesday and Thursday (December 18 and 19) will be partly cloudy and often sunny, with temperatures ranging from 6 to 11 degrees Celsius.

However, clouds will begin to gather from the northwest on Thursday.

By Friday, a “descending cold snap” will arrive, causing daytime highs to drop to 2-7 degrees Celsius. Rain and snow showers are expected, particularly in mountainous regions, with the heaviest precipitation likely in the southwest.

The cold snap will pass by Saturday, bringing sunnier and milder weather for the weekend, with precipitation limited to isolated areas. On Monday, 23 December, a significant cold snap is expected to arrive from the north, bringing a strong possibility of snow.

Currently, there is an 80 percent chance of this cold front occurring, with a 40-70 percent likelihood of snowfall in several areas on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. 

However, uncertainty remains.

While morning lows will reach -2 to -3 degrees Celsius, daytime temperatures will warm to 1-6 degrees, which is not ideal for snow to persist. For a white Christmas, snow would need to fall either on the evening of the 24th or early on the 25th.

The cold front is expected to be short-lived, as warming is forecast to return from 26 December, reducing the likelihood of long-term winter conditions.

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