Brussels Controlled by Oligarchy, Claims Orbán
- 21 Jan 2025 10:39 AM

"This is a regime which is not European but global, it is not a democracy but an oligarchy, and it is federal rather than based on the sovereignty of nation states," he said.
"There it is a united progressive liberal front stuffed with George Soros's money facing us ... they are attacking us because we are sovereigntist and even patriotic," he said, adding that "they are attacking us because we insist that the rule of law should apply to Brussels, too," he said.
"They are also attacking us because we demand that the fight against corruption should also be extended to Brussels," Orban said.
"They will use every means if needed; they will promise positions, scholarships, appreciation, publicity, power and money; and if needed, they will threaten with fines, financial sanctions, or stripping you of your voting rights," Orban said.
EU Presidency - PM’s political director calls for speeding up replacement of ‘Brussels elite’
The quicker the "Brussels elite" is replaced and member states take back control of the European Union, the sooner the continent’s fortunes can improve, the prime minister’s political director said at a conference evaluating Hungary's EU presidency.
In his speech, Balazs Orban said the first guiding principle Hungary had to follow in order to continue fighting for the goals of the Hungarian EU presidency was to accelerate the replacement of the "Brussels elite".
He said cooperation between national sovereigntist and patriotic forces had never been as close as it was today, and the work that started under the Hungarian presidency must be continued within this alliance.
The second principle, he said, was preventing "the Democratic leadership that has been forced out of Washington from relocating its headquarters to Brussels".
Orban said the third principle was that Hungary had to be able to "honestly and factually express its own interests and goals", regardless of any outside influences.
Meanwhile, Orban: Hungary EU presidency 'raises flag of peace'
Evaluating Hungary's EU presidency, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said "it raised the flag of peace, opened the door to a ceasefire and peace talks, and put pressure on European leaders that they should restart diplomacy and communication," at a conference in Budapest on Monday.
Hungary could only open a dialogue with the warring sides in the war in Ukraine "on a national basis because the majority of EU member states oppose peace", he said.
Hungary is now passing the peace baton on to the new US administration, Orban said, adding that "good intention, courage, diplomatic skills, a Christian sense of duty are nice things, but peace requires strength."
He said that taking on fierce debates, the Hungarian presidency pointed out that the war weakened Europe and warned that not only Ukraine but every European national economy had been on the losing end because of the war.
The European Union should "now sober up but they are drinking even more instead; they don't want peace but press for war, they don't want border controls but migrants, they don't protect the family but gender; they don't seek affordable energy but green policy," he said.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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