Disabled Accessibility Along Entirety of M2 Metro in Budapest to Be Proposed by Mayor Karacsony
- 20 Jan 2025 8:30 AM

Karacsony will submit a proposal to the municipal assembly for an upgrade involving European funding that would see old escalators in need of repair replaced with new ones and platform lifts, the office said.
This would not only help those with mobility issues, the elderly and parents with small children, but it would also help with saving energy, the statement added.
In a video posted on Facebook, Karacsony said the M2 line was Budapest’s second busiest metro line with roughly 300,000 passengers using it daily. Of the 11 stations on the line, only 3 offer disabled accessibility, he added.
The project to be proposed by Karacsony would involve transport company BKV replacing 27 escalators and installing eight platform lifts at eight stations, the Mayor’s Office said. The project is currently estimated to cost 21 billion forints (EUR 50.9m) , they said.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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