M1 in Hungary to be Widened - Biggest Motorway Construction in a Century

  • 7 Feb 2025 9:19 AM
M1 in Hungary to be Widened - Biggest Motorway Construction in a Century
The M1 motorway will be widened to six lanes between the capital and Gyor (W Hungary), Construction and Transportation Minister Janos Lazar said in Esztergom (N Hungary).

Lazar said the HUF 800bn project would be the biggest motorway construction in a century. The first, 24km stretch to be widened will run between Budapest and Bicske, he added.

Lazar said the M100 expressway, connecting Esztergom with the M1, would be built at an estimated cost of HUF 500bn. Separate tenders for three sections of the dual carriageway will be called, and construction could start on two in the spring of 2026, he added.

A preliminary study on the construction of a road and railway bridge over the Danube, complementing the M100, is underway, he said.

Lazar said that the length of dual carriageways in Hungary would reach 2,000km by 2026, up from 1,273km in 2010.

He said plans for a HUF 20bn extension of Esztergom's flood defences would be completed by the autumn.

Lazar said an initiative by Esztergom's mayor to build a new hospital for the region's 130,000 residents deserved support.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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