Zero Tolerance of All Forms of Violence Against Women in Hungary, Declares Gov't

  • 12 Feb 2025 11:53 AM
Zero Tolerance of All Forms of Violence Against Women in Hungary, Declares Gov't
The government maintains zero tolerance of all forms of violence against women, the government spokesperson said on Tuesday, adding that a review of shortcomings in a recent case ordered by the national police chief had the full support of the government.

All decisions of the past year rejecting or terminating an investigations must be reassessed, Eszter Vitalyos said in a video uploaded to Facebook.

She said preventing domestic violence and protecting women was "our shared responsibility". "If abuse is witnessed, we mustn't stay silent," she added.

The spokesperson referred to a "recent tragedy" which had "highlighted shortcomings" in the response of the authorities.

Police must be trained to be more sensitive to the needs of victims of abuse, she said, adding they must handle cases of domestic violence with "even greater empathy and professionalism".

Vitalyos said the government was working to ensure that no one "is stranded without effective help".

"Domestic violence is not a private matter," she said.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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