Diligent to set up HUF 37bn R+D Base in Hungary

  • 14 Feb 2025 7:44 AM
Diligent to set up HUF 37bn R+D Base in Hungary
US-based Diligent, which provides governance, audit and risk management solutions to businesses and institutions, will invest HUF 37bn in an R+D base in Hungary, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjartó announced.

The government is supporting the investment, which will create 124 jobs, with HUF 8bn, Szijjarto said. The investment, which paves the way for Hungary to advance to the forefront of the artificial intelligence revolution, is the biggest ever in the R+D sector that has been awarded state support, he added.

Szijjarto said US-Hungarian ties were entering "a golden age", supported by a new kind of efficient, proactive economic cooperation that had always been on the agenda at talks between President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Around 1,200 US-owned companies employ 100,000 people in Hungary. US-owned companies have made 140 big investments in Hungary, with support from the state, in the past ten years, creating 19,000 jobs.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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