Health Warning: Marked Increase of Hepatitis A Cases in Hungary
- 25 Mar 2025 10:36 AM

The centre said most cases had been reported from the capital, surrounding Pest County and its western neighbour Fejer County.
The authority has asked health staff to pay heightened attention to the possibility of hepatitis A when diagnosing patients and to inform them about prevention measures with a view to containing the virus.
It also suggested that risk groups should be vaccinated against the virus.
People planning to visit sub-tropical or tropical countries, as well as people living in places with poor hygiene, are at increased risk of contracting hepatitis A, the centre said, adding that people with certain conditions, such as haemophilia or chronic hepatitis B, as well as carriers of the hepatitis C virus, were similarly at risk.
Intravenous drug users and "people in the MSM population" are also considered high risk groups, the centre said.
The virus can be transmitted through tainted water, ice, or food, or -- less frequently - sex, it added.
Symptoms of hepatitis A infection include:
a high temperature
flu-like symptoms, such as tiredness, headache, and muscle pains
feeling sick or being sick
pain in your upper tummy
diarrhoea or constipation
pale yellow or pale grey poo
dark brown pee
itchy skin – you may also have a raised rash (hives)
yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes (jaundice)
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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