Botond Szirmák, Former Country Manager, Provident

  • 7 Feb 2022 1:02 PM
Botond Szirmák, Former Country Manager, Provident
Botond Szirmák joined Provident in 2002, and he has been appointed Country Manager in 2008. He is also responsible for leading the Southern European region of Provident’s mother company, International Personal Finance (IPF).

He graduated from Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences in Budapest and the University of Debrecen. He has obtained an MBA degree at the Corvinus University of Economics.

After taking over the helm at Provident he implemented a new strategy that heavily relied on customer satisfaction and responsible lending, and the company achieved outstanding results.

The Association of Hungarian Executives elected him Manager of the Year in 2013 and in 2015 he became president of the mentioned organization.

He is actively involved in activities within the UK Investment Forum and closely cooperates with the Association of Financial Service Providers.

From 2016 he is member of the board of the National League of Industrialists and Employers. Mr. Szirmák is an ambassador of the Wonderlamp Foundation specialized in fulfilling wishes of severely ill children.

1. Where did you grow up? 

I spent most of my childhood in Budapest, but for some years I experienced the expat life in Greece and Italy, as my father was the station manager of Malév, the national airlines of Hungary.

2. If you could be an expat anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

My first choice would definitely be Spain, especially Tenerife. However, I would relocate anywhere, where my family would be willing to follow me.

3. What would you miss most if you moved away from Hungary? 

I strongly believe in the importance of human relations, so I would surely miss my family and friends. 

4. Friends are in Budapest for a weekend - what must they absolutely see and do? 

Whenever I have friends visiting, I urge them to taste Hungarian wine and contemporary Hungarian food, in between visiting the beautiful landmarks of the city. I think that the quality of Hungarian wines is one of our best kept secrets. 

5. What is your favourite food? 

A very traditional Hungarian dish, Hortobágyi pancake, which is a savoury pancake filled with chicken stew.

6. What is your favourite sport / form of exercise? 

I love to watch football, but when it comes to playing, I am into golf.

7. What is your favourite place in Hungary? 

I am a big fan of Lake Balaton, that is where I spend most of my free time. 

8. What career other than yours would you love to pursue? 

Teaching is very close to my heart, so I would most likely be a teacher. 

9. What’s a job you would definitely never want? 

I do respect people who produce our daily food, but I never wanted to try myself in farming.

10. Where did you spend your last vacation? 

I was in London, where I enjoyed a theatre play.

11. Where do you hope to spend your next one? 

I hope to go to Ciprus and play golf. 

12. What was your favourite band, film, or hobby as a teen? 

As a youngster, I enjoyed playing football, as for bands and films, I could not chose one favourite.

13. Apart of temptation what can't you resist? 

Chocolate is my weakness. 

14. Red wine or white? 


15. Book or movie? 

I prefer movie.

16. Morning person or night person? 

Absolutely night

17. Which social issue do you feel most strongly about? 

Sustainability and within that environmental protection is a key to our future.

18. Buda or Pest side? 


19. Which achievement in your life are you most pleased about?

Leading Provident to become 3 times the most engaging workplace in Hungary. 

20. What would you say is your personal motto? 

Be positive!

  • How does this interview make you feel?