Gabriella Karvák, Musician, Singer
- 25 Aug 2022 10:30 AM

My personal motto’s are: be kind, walk with open heart, talk to people, be spiritual, be weird, go for the things you want, take space, sit and talk to yourself, investigate the Universial laws, listen what your inner-voice is telling you, be smiley, be talkative, speak-up, express what is in you (I still practise this even after so many years)
and well,
Feel free to say hello if our paths cross, I am happy to meet fellow thinkers, as I never know what new idea or learning a new connection can bring!
1. Where did you grow up?
In Serbia, a tiny village called Banatski Dvor (in Hungarian: Udvarnok or as Wikipedia states: Törzsudvarnok, it is in the Municipiality of Žitište, that is each year hosting a local music festival and guess what, it has a statue of Rocky Balboa, it is made by a Croatian Artist.
I declare myself still as Yugoslavian or Hungarian from Serbia. (I even made a tatoo on my arm)
2. If you could be an expat anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
Definitely in some warm climate country, in some „lost island” or maybe Brazil, Portugal, but only for certain period of time, as I love my home countries: Serbia and Hungary. Serbia and Serbian people serve as a recharger for me each time I am at home!
3. What would you miss most if you moved away from Hungary?
My friends, the vibe, the architecture of the city. „Aha moments, as I still have them each time I look at the city from the Petőfi bridge. The Parliament building, it has an amazing architecture, it feels like it was made out of matches.
4. Friends are in Budapest for a weekend - what must they absolutely see and do?
Meet with me. Usually they enjoy the programs I find on the way for them. I visit mostly places with live music or places where Latin, Serbian music can be listened or danced at.
Here, allow me to take the opportunity to invite you for our concert on Mixát Terasz (Budapest, Krúdy u 7, 1088) on the 2nd of September at 20:30 pm. Me and my duo partner Bob Zé from Brazil, music genre: MPB (Musica Popular Brasileira - Brazilian pop music), come and see us!
We promise a good music and we have another surprize musician joining us on Pandeiro, also from Brazil and maybe another surprize.
5. What is your favourite food?
Pasta, grill, watermelon, strawberries.
6. What is your favourite sport / form of exercise?
I dance Samba and Forró, I do Yoga, biking, but recently also walking a lot.
7. What is your favourite place in Hungary?
I have many, there are amazing spots in this city. I prefer though visiting venues with live music.
8. What career other than yours would you love to pursue?
The one I am starting on now: performing more music and creating new songs.
I am also taking the opportunities to do smaller acting roles and modeling.
Coaching and mentoring.
Maybe writing a book.
9. What’s a job you would definitely never want?
I do not think I would be able to work in the field of medicine. I find it one of the hardest professions, I have high appreciation for them.
10. Where did you spend your last vacation?
I decided to stay in Budapest. I’ve spent lot of time on Palatinus this summer.
11. Where do you hope to spend your next one?
Not sure, but hopefully somewhere next to the sea, lake or mountains. I am interested in countries as Zanzibar, Brazil, Cape Verde etc. I love Greece, Portugal, Spain and Turkey! Yet, I am also very curious about Iceland and the Nordic countries!
12. What was your favourite band, film, or hobby as a teen?
Learning English song lyrics (it is how I learned to speak English, I am fully auto-didact), collecting Bravo posters, band NKOTB, watching children movies as the Goonies, we did a lot of rollerskating and badminton with my sister in the streeets of my village!
13. Apart of temptation what can't you resist?
I love to wear high heels, red lipstick and nice dresses. Shoes are my obsession, of course.
14. Red wine or white?
Rosé or white.
15. Book or movie?
I like to read Paulo Coelho.
16. Morning person or night person?
I am definitely not a morning person, I am the most grumpiest person in the morning, yet if I have to go for a creative job as e.g. music project, movie or commercial shooting I am out of the bed as a rocket.
17. Which social issue do you feel most strongly about?
Inclusion, diversity. I do not understand why we just simply not delete these words.
Children’s well-being, music education, which I find there is a place for improvement in Hungary.
18. Buda or Pest side?
Buda for living, chilling and hiking, Pest for partying and chilling.
19. Which achievement in your life are you most pleased about?
Running an Operation in Automotive Industry for CEE, Baltic’s and Former Soviet Union countries at a Training Service and Consultancy company called Raytheon Professional Services. The biggest career learning with the greatest professionals.
20. What would you say is your personal motto?
Recently Đokovic was a huge inspiration for me, with his „IDEMO” slogan, which means „Let’s go”!