Jenna Jalonen: Ring, Trafó Budapest, 10 January


Jenna Jalonen: Ring, Trafó Budapest, 10 January
What is the origin of ‘dance’? Where does ‘choreography’ come from? What is the significance of an old formation in a contemporary context?

Ritual, ceremony, trans, sacrecy, infinity, torus...
Circle, chain, spiral, whirl, cycle, vortex... Bodnár, Csángó, Csárdás, Karikázó… Carole, Branle, Farandole, Zikr, Reigen, Hora, Kolo, Kalamatinos, Syrtos, Serdana… Nanissáanah, An Dro, Dabke, Lawweeh, Khigga, Kochari, Tamzara…

Placing the dancers back to a circle. Exploration of the essence between performing and experiencing. A contemporary homage to our ancestors of dance.
Place: Trafó Budapest
Address: 1094 Budapest, Liliom u. 41
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