- 22 Mar 2012 10:30 AM

The Church was built in the 1890's by the Counts Zichy who owned all the surrounding properties. Countess Zichy particularly favoured the Jesuits as teachers; they also ran Jr. High and University level courses in various buildings on Horánszky, now being restored. The Communists suppressed the Jesuits, and closed all their schools in 1948...
They stripped the Counts Zichy of all their properties and expelled or imprisoned them at Recsk, Vác etc.in 1951. Their palaces fell into misuse, emptied of their treasures, and proprietors. The rooms were partitioned off and people from the countryside were moved in to live one atop each other.
The imposing statue of statesman, explorer, benefactor of agrarian workers and of the Church, Count Nándor Zichy, was re-instated in its original place (it had been removed in 1951) and stands proudly on Lőrincz Pap tér.
Address: Budapest District VIII. Mária utca and Krudy utca
Tel.: 318-3479
Website: www.jezsuita.hu/
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