Top 10 Reasons to Love Budapest - Part 2
- 10 Apr 2012 9:00 AM

3. The food
A no-brainer, if you’ve been here and eaten anything. You love curry, right? Well, Hungarian food is Europe’s answer to the East. Saucy, spicy stews made of every kind of meat and vegetable (separately, mind you), eaten with soft sour bread. Sounds like Indian!
Then there are the salamis and sausages, even liver sausage and blood sausage, and lovely inventions like lángos, fried dough drizzled with garlic in its juices and slathered with sour cream and grated cheese. I could do a whole post on the cakes… somebody stop me! If you want to know anything about Hungarian food, take a culinary or wine tour with my friends at TasteHungary, and/or buy their book on Hungarian cuisine!
Find them at
4. The public transport system
Budapestians will laugh, since the system is on the brink of bankruptcy. So I figured I’d better mention it before it goes belly-up! I don’t think anyone will let it. It carries 1.4 billion passengers a year on its aging buses, trams, metro cars, commuter trains, trolley buses, funicular, cogwheel train and even a chairlift in the Buda hills!
It may not always be the cleanest, friendliest, timeliest or most environmentally friendly system, but you can get where you’re going. Besides, my Hungarian husband and I rode a trolley bus the other day that he swears was the same one he rode when he was in elementary school. Not just the same route, the same bus. Think how many kilometers that bus has put in, and what care it has received over the decades…
So take a ride on the BKV today, and do buy a ticket. You may be saving it from financial ruin… See y’all back here tomorrow for my next installment."
Related articles:
Top 10 Reasons To Love Budapest, Part I
Top 10 Reasons To Love Budapest, Part 3
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