Invitation: 'Museum's Festival', National Museum Garden, Budapest, 19 - 20 May
- 18 May 2012 9:55 AM

It's a two-day, free-entry celebration of museums, which as you know come in all sizes and colors: small and large, village and national, folk and historical art and functional. Take a virtual tour of them all, so you can plan your future cultural and artistic outings. All this while strolling the pretty park that surrounds the National Museum, on whose steps Sándor Petőfi famously and poetically demanded independence from Austria on March 15, 1848.
During May Day(s) at the Museums, those very steps will be the setting for classic and folk concerts, jazz melodies and theatrical productions, all day until the sun sets. It's also a day to get your hands dirty and try some Hungarian crafts. Adults and kids alike can cut and paste, shape some clay, paint a portrait or take photos with the guidance of master craftspeople. Not feeling so artistic yourself?
Buy beautiful creations from professional artists at the courtyard crafts fair. Need to know more about where to go in Hungary? There's also a "cultural tourism" fair with lots of countrysiders on hand to tell you first-hand about their village or region and its attractions.
Plan your next trip discovering Hungary with these friendly folk, who'll most likely be offering discounts as well. Did we mention that this delightful day of cultural discovery is free?
Join in anytime, from morning to night!
Programmes at Hungarian National Museum:
Main stage only, there will be more events in the museum, around the museum, etc.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
9:15 Finance Guard Band, Spring Sounds – promenade music
10:00 Opening Ceremony
11:00 Waltz dance studio
12:30 Bajdázó Band – the music of Borzsony mountains in Hungary
14:00 Botosánka Band – Csango tunes
15:30 Bori Rutkai singer and the Hebehoba Band – children’s concert, Vacka songs
17:00 Reformed Music Festival Choir (500 choir singers performing on the stairs at the facade of the National Museum)
18:45 Jane Red Group jazz concert
Sunday, May 20, 2012
10:00 Vaci Youth Brass Band: Popular brass band tunes
11:30 Circus Total: Rope Tango Dance / Music World
13:00 Brass Simphonic: Fly me to the moon!
14:30 Mistral Ensemble: Dream Good-for-nothing – poems in songs
16:15 Vajda Gipsy Orchestra: Evergreen Classics
18:00 Cabaret Medrano: Dance the tango rhythm
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