Xpat Report: 2012 London Olympic Opening
- 3 Aug 2012 9:01 AM

That day something special was in the air. The XXXth Olympiad, the 2012 summer Olympic Games Grand opening was a wonderful and magical evening.
My husband and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this summer so it was an immediate decision a few months ago to organise and buy tickets to the most wonderful show on Earth. The evening organised by Lord Coe was expected to be something extraordinary. Having Danny Boyle as director did guarantee success. The event turned out to be more than a success – it became a legend. The opening of the third London Olympics Games (1908, 1948, 2012) was magical. A wonderful evening for a long time to remember.
At 9:00 pm sharp (BST) the world’s eyes were set on the Elisabeth II Stadium in East London. Over one billion people were glued to their chairs and sofas at home and there were thousands of people at the event watching it live. I happened to be one of the lucky persons cherishing this memory of being present.
What did the event feel like being arm’s length from it?
It made me proud, to be one of the Olympic Torch Bearers who carried the flame, it gave me a real inspiration to continue to introduce the idea of the charity runner model to Hungary, and I understood perfectly the importance of being an athlete.
The event was a great inspiration for generations. It showed the world how to be proud to be British and last but not least taught us all – no matter what nationality we are – that we should treasure our history, work on our present and believe in the future generation.
Just after midnight young athletes lit the cauldron and the Olympic Flame reached its position shining upon the games in the middle of the stadium, and my heart was full of joy and hope.
Faith was restored in humanity, the need was there for peace, the hearts were beating in the same rhythm – we believe in sport, we believe in love.
Hope of flame should be shining on all of us, the warmth of it should be deeply touching all hearts, old and young, healthy and sick, able and disabled.
We shall all unite to make this world a better place for all of us.
Source: British Embassy Budapest
Andrea Snow is founder and Chairman of the Seedling Trust – Csemete Alapítvány
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