Invitation: XVII. Budapest Psychology Days, 12 -14 April

  • 13 Apr 2013 9:00 AM
Invitation: XVII. Budapest Psychology Days, 12 -14 April
This year we are going to think about our dreams. We grow up and change; but some things are ageless, set us together through times and spaces. Today we fantasize the same way as we did, when we were children. About our purposes, that we see in front of us floating, about our wishes, that only we know right.

Our dreams are enticing. They motivate and prompt us - like Pszinapszis does it. We have got our chance, and only we know, what we will do, when we wake up. At the XVII Pszinapszis we are going to discover these exciting topics and ourselves through our dreams. This year we make the question: Are we dreaming our life, or living our dreams?

This year Pszinapszis’s headline is called: DREAMS TO HARVEST. This year, we invite our guests to dream together consciously. In our dreams we can meet with our subconscious’s deepest messages, our own desires and fantasies. Our purposes, dreams, secret wishes, forbidden feelings, blocks, and so many chances in front of us –you will meet all of these topics at Pszinapszis.

Either with shiver, or with pleasure discover we our imagination, this is our own private world that nobody can take from us. We can meet here those desires and thoughts, for wich we can not dare to think wakeful. We can find here everything, whereof we had to give up, which from we were prohibited. Our suppressed memories come forward sometimes, and do not let us to have a rest. The board of the illusion and the reality fade into one another. Unmade beds and dreams are hunting us in the course of our life. It is up to us, which we execute, for which we purpose to do something, and for which we take the responsibility.

Dreams lead us up to far away, to the areas of the psychology, which ones are only known by a few people: psychedelics, sexuality, collective unconscious, social phenomena, the mystery parts of the human brain, amazing research results. Pilow, quilt, rumpled sheet...

We are not alone, neither in our dream, nor in reality, that’s why we also would like to amplify the connection between each other: because of the success which we saw in the last few years, we open our gates in front of the university students from trans-border and abroad . In this way we can think together about the mystery of our dreams, ourselves, and psychology.

What is Pszinapszis?
In 1997, psychology students of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) founded the Pszichodiák Foundation. In the following years, this student organization had a growing number of projects, but its largest and most important activity remained that of organizing Pszinapszis - Psychology Days of Budapest. The first Pszinapszis conference had 120 participants, but as a result of a 15-year development, the attendance grew slighty above 4000 visitors in 2013. Today's organizers are psychology students from the six universities which are involved in psychology qualification in Hungary.

The word „Pszinapszis" consists of two parts: „pszi" means psychological, and „szinapszis" (synapse) is the connecting point between nerve cells. We would like the Pszinapszis conference to be such a „connecting point" between the general public and the psychologist society, as well as a connecting point between psychology and related sciences.

Pszinapszis is a scientific and cultural event that is unique in Hungary and in the whole of Europe. It is targeting a different aspect of the world every year (this aspect is reflected in the motto), and it is looking at the chosen aspect from the viewpoint of modern psychology.

Our conference is regarded by the Hungarian psychologist society as being an important event of Hungarian scientific life. We are proud to be welcoming famous psychologists every year such as Michael Cole, Joseph P. Forgas, Tamás Vekerdy, Emőke Bagdy, and acknowledged researchers of academic psychology such as Éva Bányai.

We are to ensure that Pszinapszis is a forum not only for psychology in the narrow sense, but also for its related sciences (psychiatry, neurology, cognitive science, sociology, education, anthropology, philosophy etc.).

Our Aims
The mission of Pszinapszis contains three aims: we would like the general public to get familiar with psychological knowledge that can be applied in everyday life situations, in the maintaining of physical and mental health and raises the desire for self-development.

The topics of Pszinapszis, be that recent advances in research or experiences of applied sciences, are all presented in everyday language. On the other hand, there is a group of presentations which give the opportunitiy to dive into more specific topics, because students of psychology faculties form a significant part of our audience.

Pszinapszis offers a wide range of scientific lectures, workshops, discussions and cultural events. Continuing the tradition, the English section of Pszinapszis will be held again, consisting of lectures and workshops in English all through the three days, delivered by professors and specialists from Hungary and from other countries.

As already mentioned above, there is a colourful cultural programme besides the scientific one. The aim of Pszinapszis is not only to educate people, but also to entertain them, and to make it possible to gather experiences through art and culture. Recurring every year at Pszinapszis is the Living Library where members of stereotyped groups can be ‘borrowed’ and talked to (e.g. Jewish people, homosexuals, Africans, football hooligans, ex-criminals, etc.), and the Room of Experiences, which allows visitors to experience the world of disabled people.

The Visitor Survey 2012 has revealed that 66% of our visitors belong to the age group of 19-26 year-olds, being mostly university students, and another 20% belong to the 27-40 year-old age group. Our primary target group is therefore university and college students and other young adults.

Of course we warmly welcome people of any age who are interested in psychology and in the development of personal skills at this sparkling and colourful event. Most of our visitors live in Budapest but some of them come from other cities and towns, and even from neighbouring and other countries. For those coming from a larger distance we can offer cheap lodging.

More info from Brigitta Szász by clicking here

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