Xpat Opinion: Income Map Of Budapest
- 22 Apr 2013 9:01 AM

A large number of smaller newly-built prime properties are responsible for the higher prices in District 2. The districts next in line are both located in the center, much smaller in size: District 1 (Castle District, Buda) and District 5 in Pest, which is the central commercial, bank, and government district along the Danube, center of gravity in the city in all respects.
Buda districts in order of income: 12, 2, 1, 3, 11, 22. When comparing districts 3 and 11, District 11 to the south is much more connected to the city transportation infrastructure and benefits from more commercial and industrial development (jobs) than the more remote northern District 3, where the population is wealthier, however average property prices are lower.
In terms of property value, Pest districts are ranked as follows: 5, 6, 7, 13 (the southern part - Ujlipotvaros), 14 (Zuglo), 16 (Matyasfold), etc. There is definitely a trend to expand in the northern-northeastern direction from the center. Anything south of this (districts 8, 9, and 10) is considered low-income, blue-collar, and industrial/polluted. The areas with the highest crime rates are the southern-southeastern parts of the capital. Districts 2 and 5 are also high on crime because they are the main tourist districts.
Sources: Central Statistical Bureau (KSH), Tax Authority (NAV), FHB, Resource
By Andras Patkai, Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of CE Invest Group, and expert blogger on real estate and property issues in Budapest and Bratislava.
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