Accounting Services From Colling Accounting In Budapest
- 10 Jul 2013 6:00 AM

* Analytical and synthetic accounting on the basis of vouchers given;
* Preparing returns as required in the normal course of business by institutions such as NAV (Hungarian Tax and Financial Control
* Administration), the CSO (Central Statistical Office), local governments (local tax issues), and chambers of commerce;
* Keeping records of budgetary relations and providing regular information on payment obligations;
* NAV administration and representation in connection with the revision and adjustment of returns;
* Preparing monthly reports including the monthly trial balance, profit and loss statement; unique management reports as requested in either
* Hungarian or English, in either HAS, USGAAP, IAS or IFRS standards, by the deadline stipulated;
* Preparation of statements and international reports in foreign languages too;
* Providing individual or consolidated statements in accordance with local client or parent company requirements;
* Performing regular accounting activities and preparing statements by cost centres or cost owners;
* Publicizing regular monthly bulletins in Hungarian or English on current or impending changes in law.
Additional benefits of our accounting services:
Permanent internet access to the accounting application
The Netspeed module of our accounting application provides you with the facility to input data, use modules (invoicing, inventory management, petty cash management) and make enquiries at any time through your own computer via a secure internet connection in accordance with your needs. The access rights may vary by levels of authority, thus your employees may only access data in accordance with their own authorisations and needs.
Expert specialist in the accounting of non-profit organisations and branch offices
Non-profit organisations and branch establishments are/may be subject to special accounting and taxation rules. A service provider with special skills in this field may considerably ease decision-making for the managers of such organisations and may as well improve the economic efficiency. Our company bears in mind that in the activity of such organisations different aspects take priority than at a profit-oriented company, therefore – in cooperation with the representatives of the company – as part of the accounting information system set-up we create specific statements and enquiries in connection with the regular bookkeeping.
International accounting experience and know-how at your service
If your company also has international background then it might be important for you that your parent company or owners receive the information important for them in the appropriate form. Our accounting software also supports accounting in accordance with the special requirements of the international standards and facilitates the accurate conversion of the accounts made under the Hungarian accounting standards. In addition to this, based on the information requirements of the parent company, we provide assistance in developing the chart of accounts and accounting policy of the subsidiary, thereby ensuring that the accounts satisfy both the Hungarian standards and the requirements of the parent company. If required, we help in the selection of the appropriate integrated/accounting application, or – if you rely on our accounting services – we operate the implemented system.
We also strive to meet the individual requirements of our clients. We achieve this by generating statements tailored to the company’s needs. Our accounting application supports the creation of any financial/accounting ledger by customised grouping, broken down by cost centres or cost bearer, even in multiple dimensions. Relying on our multi-year experience we develop the most optimal form of the required report together with the client. Upon request we also prepare the information and statements for our clients in foreign language.
Visit Colling Accounting & Consulting Ltd. online
Address: 1138 Budapest, Váci út 141.
Tel: +36 1 452 6900; Fax: +36 1 452 6910