Hungary's Action Plan To Avoid Losing EU Funds

  • 13 Aug 2013 9:00 AM
Hungary's Action Plan To Avoid Losing EU Funds
As of 1 August 2013, the utilisation of EU development funds will be supervised by the Prime Minister’s Office instead of the Ministry of National Development, as the adequate utilisation of EU funds totalling some HUF 6000 billion (EUR 20 billion) in the 2014-2020 period necessitates a new institutional system.

Within the system, the relevant ministries and sectoral policies would be given a key role, and accordingly the managing authorities will fall under the scope of responsibility of the relevant ministries, while central power and coordination would, according to plans, be assumed by the Prime Minister's Office.

The National Development Agency, which is responsible for regional issues, has been headed by Minister of State in charge of the Prime Minister's Office János Lázár as government commissioner since 1 August. His task is the establishment of the new institutional system and assuring that the closing of the 2007-2013 programming period goes according to plan.

The European Union raised concerns with several large development programmes. János Lázár announced that during their talks he has already asked European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn to assure completion of related negotiations at the earliest opportunity so that Hungary may utilise the maximum amount of funds available within the 2007-2013 programming period.


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