Opposition Calls On Rogán To Account For “Luxuries”

  • 2 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
Opposition Calls On Rogán To Account For “Luxuries”
Ruling Fidesz parliamentary leader Antal Rogán should explain how he can afford his “luxuries” which exceed his legal income, the left-of-centre Unity alliance said.

Rogán, who is also mayor of Budapest’s upmarket fifth district, earns a net 1.2 million forints a month (EUR 3,910), and yet it is estimated that he spends 1.3 million on “luxury items”, the alliance’s statement said, adding that the expansion of Rogan’s property portfolio was “scandalous”.

In response, Rogán said that his life was “an open book” and allegations of properties worth hundreds of millions of forints were “a monstrous lie”.

He said it was “natural” that in the election campaign the opposition would attack him and his family, since they had been “unable to fault his work”.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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