Udpated: Turkish-Hungarian Cultural Season Features 70 Events in Hungary

  • 19 Jun 2024 11:47 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Udpated: Turkish-Hungarian Cultural Season Features 70 Events in Hungary
The Hungarian-Turkish cultural season currently under way in both countries featured 70 events in Hungary in the first five months, the Turkish ambassador to Budapest said.

Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu - pictured above -  told participants of a working breakfast that over 400 Turkish artists have participated in the programme so far.

The programmes have drawn some 75,000 visitors in 10 cities, she said, adding that they hoped Hungary’s EU presidency in the second half of the year would provide further opportunities.

Besides Budapest, Szeged, Veszprém and other Hungarian cities, events will be held in the Atatürk Cultural Centre in Istanbul and the Presidential Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall in Ankara.

Osman Can Ürel, a cultural counsellor of the embassy, said the season featured dance performances such as Güldestan and Dance Adrenalin, the Allegra Ensemble, and concerts by Omer Faruk Tekbilek and the Önder Focan Jazz Trio, among others.

Hungarian-Turkish Cultural Season at Halfway Point

The Hungarian-Turkish cultural season held in celebration of 100 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries is now halfway through, with more than 70 programmes having taken place in Hungary so far, Gülşen Karanis, Türkiye’s ambassador, told a press conference in Budapest.

In the second half of the year, programmes will be mounted in Győr, Debrecen, Bugac and Szigetvár, among others, as well as in Budapest, he noted.

​​​​​​​Péter Hoppál, the government commissioner for the Hungarian-Turkish cultural season, noted that 87 events — galas, exhibitions, workshops, literary, gastronomic and children’s programmes — took place in 15 towns in Türkiye including in Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, Izmir and Tekirdag in cooperation with 71 partners.

More info in Hungarian / Turkish:


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