Hungarians’ View Of Economy Improves

  • 4 Sep 2014 9:00 AM
Hungarians’ View Of Economy Improves
Hungarians’ perceptions of the performance of their economy have improved in the past year, a survey by Ipsos has revealed. The proportion of respondents who saw Hungary’s economy on the right track rose to 18% in an annual average this year from last year’s average of 11%. In April, the month of the general election in Hungary, 24% of respondents said the economy was doing well, while in May and June 17 and 18%, respectively, thought so.

In July, the proportion rose to 20%.

The survey is conducted in 25 countries in the world with a sample of 19,000.

The global average for people satisfied with the state of their economy was 37%.

Hungary was ranked 21st among 25 countries in terms of residents’ perception of their economy, Ipsos said.


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