WAMP Shopping On 3rd Sunday Of December In Budapest
- 18 Dec 2014 8:06 AM

Let’s see whom can you meet this time.
The protagonists of the gastro section offer a wide variety of the most delicious and special ingredients. At the stand of Fűszerész (Spicer) you can delve among hundreds of spices and spice-mixes for sweets and roasts. The Budapest located shop-owner Dió (Walnut) brings not only their much liked walnut-sausage but also different kinds of pate along going great with meat dishes or rustic bread.
Luis Tea charms us with their beautifully wrapped fragrant teas – also as a great gift idea. In the spirit of Christmas Marangona gasztro.pont (Marangona gastro.point) prepares flódni and bejgli too to complete their line of delicious sweets for this event. WAMP welcomes Paprikum again and their award-winner design spice-grinder which will be available in red and black also this Sunday.
If you are looking for gifts great ideas might be the steel, pressed cardholders by Ögon Designs in a variety of different styles and colours, the brand new calendars of Anagraphic illustrated with beautiful graphics, or the pillow and blanket collection debuting on WAMP by Weinber Anita. They are unique hand-crafted pieces and though made with different techniques they represent a unified, cool and relaxing style.
The so called ‘experience gifts’ – when the gift itself is not a tangible surprise - are becoming more and more popular. The walking tickets valid for the authentic city-ramblings of Hosszúlépés! Járunk? (Stride! Are we going out?), or the programs offered by Jurányi Közösségi Inkubátorház (Jurányi Community Incubator), a place for independent theatre productions and dance performances, will surely provide lasting memories.
The Miskolci Autista Alaptvány (Miskolc Autism Foundation) sets up a special stand this Sunday where you can buy wicker baskets and other wicker products, and by doing so you can not only help people with autism to improve their quality of life but also to experience the feeling of self-employed earnings.
Of course to grab a new Christmas or New Year ’s Eve outfit and jewellery-set WAMP is the perfect place. Edina László, founder of the brand Lazlo, brings her latest HEARTS collection to WAMP this Sunday. The collection is the result of a collaboration with graphic designer, Réka Molnár, and it indeed does good to your heart, as the patterns were printed with organic herb paints. The new collection of Zemse, Luxury using yellow- and red copper will also debut this weekend. But Nati Gyulai and the NATI100% PureIdea comes also with their specific exclusive clothing along with EVE’s accented gold and silver necklaces and earrings.
WAMP – your favourite Christmas fair
21th December – Millenáris, Hall B
Open: 10 am- 6 pm
Entry fee: 500 Ft – you can shop for this amount"
Source: Wamp