Running Around Budapest: Top Technique Tip 5, By Ryan Phillips

  • 25 Jun 2015 1:50 AM
Running Around Budapest: Top Technique Tip 5, By Ryan Phillips
Today marks the final tip of the series for optimizing your running technique. In this 5th and final tip, Ryan Phillips, Personal Trainer and Muscle Activation Techniques Specialist, reveals how you can control or even lower your perceived exertion and heart rate so that running can become less of a struggle.


Most people don't pay any attention to how they breathe when they run, until it's too late when they're already out of breath, and since breathing is an automatic process which doesn't require conscious control, why bother?

Well, by being consciously aware of your breathing rate from the outset you can actually conserve energy, control/lower exertion levels and heart rate. This helps you to prolong your workout by not getting so "out of puff" so early.

Being mindful of your breathing will ensure that adequate amounts of oxygen reaches the working muscles and that carbon dioxide is appropriately cleared out of your system. This will help to delay the lactic acid build up in the muscles and reduce the risk of muscle cramps.

In practice, the key is to take as deep/slow breaths as you can manage during the first part of your run. As exertion levels begin to rise you'll have to increase your breathing rate slightly but try to keep it on the more rhythmical slower/deeper side than fast and erratic.

Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth with pursed lips to delay the exhalation works well.

Why not put all 5 of Ryan's running tips into practice this Saturday (27th) at his running techniques workshop? Learn and master these 5 important running strategies under the watchful eye of Ryan whilst he personally coaches you through the each one. Additional things you'll learn are:

1) the best strategy for controlling your breathing rhythm.

2) specific drills to quickly master the forefoot running style.

3) what footwear is best for forefoot running and which footwear to avoid.

There will be two time slots to choose from on Saturday, 9am or 10am. Sessions will last for 45 minutes and numbers will be strictly limited to guarantee you personal attention.

To secure a place for the 9am session please click here

For the 10am session click here.

If you're not on Facebook you can secure your place here.

Ryan Phillips is widely recognized as a leading expert on health and fitness. As a Personal Trainer and Muscle Activation Techniques Specialist, Ryan specializes in body re-composition, resistance training (RTS - Resistance Training Specialist) and sports injuries, prevention and rehabilitation.

During his 11+ years as a freelance Personal Trainer Ryan has personally helped hundreds of clients from all around the world to lose weight, transform their bodies and regain control of their health and wellbeing. With clients as far a field as Australia and New Zealand - due to the wonders of the internet - Ryan has been able to reach out and help people get in great shape and recover from injuries from all around the world via Skype.

Ryan has developed his own unique “Fat Loss System for Success” which takes a holistic approach to weight loss and addresses the three main areas of exercise, diet and lifestyle.

Over the last decade, Ryan has presented at many gatherings and conferences, delivering his information and knowledge in a dynamic and engaging manor. Ryan holds full status on the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPs) and holds full world wide Public Liability Insurance.

Ryan has been featured on BBC Radio Berkshire, he has also featured in Zest magazine, Health Magazine and has appeared on numerous occasions in the media proving to be a valuable source of health and fitness related information to audiences world wide.

More information at:

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