Placido Domingo To Perform At Budapest Opera Charity Ball
- 21 Jul 2015 9:04 AM

World renowned Spanish tenor Placido Domingo will perform at a charity ball to be held at the Budapest Opera House on February 6, 2016. The Shakespeare Ball will be part of a series of exclusive balls re-launched by the opera in 2014, the Opera said. Domingo will share the stage with Hungarian opera singers Szilvia Ralik, Orsolya Sáfár and Zita Szemere. T
The programme will also include pop bands Back II Black, KFT and Mystery Gang. Domingo performed in Budapest’s Erkel Theatre several times early in his career but his last appearance was nearly 30 years ago.
This will be the first time he performs at the Opera House.
“A dream will come true,” he said. Domingo also highlighted that the ball would be for a charity event, the statement said. Proceeds from the ball will be used to help the national ambulance services.
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