‘György Zala Exhibition’, Műcsarnok Budapest, Ends 27 Sept
- 14 Sep 2015 12:00 PM

The exhibition presenting the oeuvre of György Zala will showcase how Zala’s sculpting activity shaped the appearance of Heroes’ Square. Gyögy Zala was born in Alsólendva, a municipality in Zala county of the pre-1918 Hungary (present day Lendava in Slovenia). He went to a Realgymnasium, and continued his studies in the „Mintarajztanoda” or Model Drawing School (the precursor of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts).
Later he worked with artists in Vienna and München. The fashionable allegorism and symbolism of his age were matched in his person with outstanding sculpting skills.
Venue: Műcsarnok
Address: 1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 37.
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