Budapest Public Transport: "In Public Transport Community Matters"
- 23 Nov 2015 8:00 AM

Calling society’s attention to this issue is as important as the establishment of infrastructural conditions of accessible public transport by BKK (by making vehicles and stops accessible on a continuous basis). Day by day disabled people face challenges which a lot of people cannot imagine, however they can help by paying attention to these passengers.
In the long term, BKK aims to achieve that everyone could be more patient, more tolerant and more helpful towards people with special needs, among them, especially with disabled people in order that nobody could be treated badly because s/he is a wheelchair user and because people have to wait for him/her to board the bus or the tram.
The campaign characterised by the English slogan “In Public transport community matters!” and by the Hungarian slogan “Közösen egymásért a közösségi közlekedésben” consists of two parts. One part deals exclusively with the transport of disabled people. During the European Mobility Week, BKK called people’s attention to this issue on flyers. There was a short film made about the transport of the visually- and the hearing impaired.
The billboard campaign launched as the most spectacular element of this campaign gives a snapshot about the thoughts of autistic people and of people with mental disabilities regarding public transport. From the middle of September, these billboards are displayed at tram stops along Nagykörút (the Grand Boulevard) and on 380 low-floor buses.
These billboards were displayed also on the trolleybus exhibited at Deák Ferenc tér between 18 and 20 September 2015. At the same location, visitors had the chance to exchange information with the representatives of organisations dealing with disabilities and to participate in a word hunter game (the word they were looking for was ‘’Equal opportunities”).
A teddy bear wearing a purple-white striped T-shirt is starring in the other part of the campaign, in a short commercial which advertises and focuses on public transport and on passengers’ attentiveness to their fellow passengers. We can witness how Budapest’s residents help the bear to get across the city by metro, tram and MOL Bubi.
Source: BKK Centre for Budapest Transport
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