Masdevallia - Jewels Of Inca's, Orchids Exhibition, Vajdahunyad Castle Budapest, 6 - 8 November

  • 5 Nov 2015 8:02 AM
Masdevallia - Jewels Of Inca's, Orchids Exhibition, Vajdahunyad Castle Budapest, 6 - 8 November
The Hungarian Orchid Society will be presenting their annual fall exhibition and sale to showcase its orchid and bromelia collection. The exhibition will take place at the beautiful and historical Vajdahunyad Castle in the City Park, where visitors can view and admire these amazing plants and can get more information about their origin, history and how to take care of them.

Orchid and bromeliads exhibition and sale

Time: November 6-8, from 10am till 6pm. Place: Vajdahunyad Castle (Hungarian Agriculture Museum)

Visitors will also have the opportunity to talk to local and international vendors as well as purchase their favourite plants.

For further information please contact:

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