Updated: Renewal Of Széll Kálmán Tér - Changes Valid Until 10 May
- 30 Apr 2016 9:02 AM

Many of the pedestrian areas of the square are now restricted, however main footpaths are provided. The movement of construction machines will not affect daytime traffic in the square.
Public transport services affected by the change until 10 May
Opening of Várfok utca on 16 April 2016, terminus of bus line 16 at original location
The terminus of bus lines 16 and 16A will be relocated to its original site in Várfok utca past the intersection with Csaba utca. The Castle District is accessible by buses 116 and 916 from the same stop. Bus lines 16, 16A as well as 116 and 916 resume to run on their original routes in Várfok utca to Deák Ferenc tér M, Dísz tér and Uránia. The temporary stops located at the intersection of Várfok utca and Vérmező utca as well as in Ostrom utca will be cancelled.
Széll Kálmán tér trams partially replaced by buses on four evenings from 18 April 2016
Service of tram line 17
Monday to Thursday evenings (on 18, 19, 20 and 21 April 2016) from 21:00 to the last scheduled departure, tram 17 runs on a split route on two separate route sections:
from Savoya Park to Móricz Zsigmond körtér M (serves the stop on Móricz Zsigmond körtér located on Villányi út)
from Bécsi út/Vörösvári út to Széll Kálmán tér M (departs from the boarding point of trams 4 and 6 at Széll Kálmán tér).
Replacement bus 61 operates on the section not served by the tram between Széll Kálmán tér M and Móricz Zsigmond körtér M via Alkotás utca and Villányi út. Further travel options are replacement bus 56 running on Krisztina körút as well as metro line M2 and trams 19 and 41 (with transfer at Batthyány tér).
Service of tram line 56A
Monday to Thursday evenings (on 18, 19, 20 and 21 April 2016) there will be no service on tram line 56A past 21:00 o’ clock.
Instead of tram 56A, BKK recommends
tram 61 running more frequently between Hűvösvölgy and Széll Kálmán tér M
Replacement bus 56 operating between Széll Kálmán tér M and Móricz Zsigmond körtér M via Krisztina körút. Further travel options are replacement bus 61 running on Alkotás utca and Villányi út as well as metro line M2 and trams 19 and 41 (with transfer at Batthyány tér).
Service of tram line 59A
Monday to Thursday evenings (on 18, 19, 20 and 21 April 2016) there will be no service on tram line 59A past 21:00 o’ clock.
Replacement bus 59 will be operating between Széll Kálmán tér M and Mindszenty József bíboros tér via Széll Kálmán tér–Margit körút–Széll Kálmán tér–Krisztina körút–Magyar jakobinusok tere–Alkotás utca–Böszörményi út–Apor Vilmos tér–Stromfeld Aurél út–Szendi utca–Németvölgyi út–Érdi út–Márton Áron tér–Rácz Aladár út–Hóvirág út.
From Mindszenty József bíboros tér to Széll Kálmán tér M replacememt bus 59 will be running via Hóvirág út–Rácz Aladár út–Márton Áron tér–Érdi út–Németvölgyi út–Szendi árok–Apor Vilmos tér–Böszörményi út–Nagyenyed utca–Alkotás utca–Krisztina körút–Széll Kálmán tér.
Service of tram line 61
Monday to Thursday evenings (on 18, 19, 20 and 21 April 2016) from 21:00 to the last departure, tram 61 will be running on a shortened route between Hűvösvölgy and Széll Kálmán tér M.
Replacement bus 61 operates on the section not served by the tram between Széll Kálmán tér M and Móricz Zsigmond körtér M via Alkotás utca and Villányi út. Further travel options are replacement bus 56 running on Krisztina körút as well as metro line M2 and trams 19 and 41 (with transfer at Batthyány tér).
No new ticket validation required for transfers
The required transfers due to the replacement of trams 17, 56A, 59A and 61 do not qualify as journey interruption, therefore already validated single tickets (single, block, transfer tickets) will be accepted when changing between trams and replacement buses, but the other end – without the number grid – of the ticket needs to be validated except for transfer tickets with a number grid at either end.
As tram line 17 is replaced on the middle route section, two transfers with a third boarding might be needed. In this case, twice-validated tickets cannot be validated once more.
Changes affecting pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, chairlifts until 10 May
Changes affecting pedestrians - Pedestrian traffic is unaffected during this period.
Public road restrictions
Opening of Várfok utca on 16 April 2016, terminus of bus line 16 at original location
The section of Várfok utca between Vérmező út and Széll Kálmán tér will be opened to traffic in both directions at 16:00 on Saturday, 16 April 2016. Várfok utca will be accessible by motorists arriving from Margit körút via the Szilágyi erzsébet fasor–Széll Kálmán tér junction. Motorists arriving on Krisztina körút from Attila út will be able to access Várfok utca by turning right from the same junction.
Changes affecting cyclists
We kindly ask cyclists to use the bypasses during the reconstruction of Széll Kálmán tér.
The area will be accessible for cyclists from the spring of 2016.
Recommended bicycle path north of the square:
Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor (Városmajor)–Retek utca–Széna tér
Recommended bicycle path south of the square:
Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor (Városmajor)–Ignotus utca–Csaba utca–Hajnóczy József utca–Vérmező
More photos in the gallery
Source and more information: BKK
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