Orbán: ‘Hungarians Can Be Proud’

  • 3 Oct 2016 9:00 AM
Orbán: ‘Hungarians Can Be Proud’
“We can be proud that we Hungarians were the first and so far only member state in the EU to voice our opinion on the issue of migration,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after almost all the votes in Sunday’s referendum on EU migrant quotas were counted. “This was the right thing to do. It was the honourable thing to do.”

The question of “whom we will live with; what will become of our culture and our way of life” was one of the most important in the coming years, the prime minister said. The question now is how the EU responds to the modern-day “mass migration wave”.

The EU proposes allowing migrants in and distributing them among member states, Orbán said, stressing that in the referendum Hungarians had made clear that only they can decide with whom they live.

“Brussels or Budapest. That was the question.

And we decided that the right to decide lies solely with Budapest,” he said, adding that Sunday’s popular vote was the first important step of a “long journey” ahead.

Hungary would have to fight many tough battles along the way, he added. Fully 98.32% of participants in Sunday’s referendum on migrant quotas voted “no”, with almost all the votes counted. The turnout was 43.35% of voters.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Koszticsák Szilárd

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