Magyar Opinion: Ferenc Gyurcsány’s State Of The Nation Speech

  • 7 Feb 2017 7:00 AM
Magyar Opinion: Ferenc Gyurcsány’s State Of The Nation Speech
In his annual ‘state of the nation’ speech the former Prime Minister attacked the Fidesz government. He also accused the rest of the Left of trying to broker a deal and set up an anti-Orbán alliance behind his back.

In his annual state of the nation address, former PM Gyurcsány staunchly criticized the current government. Among others, he called PM Orbán a ‘criminal, a sick person’. Mr Gyurcsány also accused the other left-wing parties of trying to leave him out of the Left’s anti-Orbán coalition. Zsolt Gréczy, the spokesman of Democratic Coalition in a Facebook post named political analyst László Lengyel as the mastermind of the proposal to exclude Gyurcsány from the left-wing alliance. In an aside, Gyurcsány ruled out future co-operation between his party and the radical right-wing Jobbik party.

The chances of a left-wing electoral alliance are diminishing, Magyar Idők’s Ferenc Kis comments. The pro-government columnist deems a broad left-wing alliance by the 2018 Parliamentary election extremely unlikely after Mr Gyurcsány’s speech. In order to successfully challenge the governing party, the Left would need to decide the question of leadership, Kis explains.

Ferenc Gyurcsány should be very happy to be taken seriously at all by left-wing intellectuals, Gáspár Miklós Tamás writes in Heti Világgazdaság. The Marxist philosopher finds it nauseating that Ferenc Gyurcsány attacks László Lengyel for his opinion that the Democratic Coalition should not be included in the left-wing alliance. Lambasting intellectuals for their private opinions is unlikely to make Ferenc Gyurcsány any more attractive even for left-wing voters, Tamás concludes.

Source: BudaPost

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MTI photo: Balogh Zoltán

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