‘Countryside Newcomers Festival’, Zebegény, 23 – 26 August

  • 23 Aug 2018 3:11 PM
‘Countryside Newcomers Festival’, Zebegény, 23 – 26 August
Move to the countryside and start a new life, that’s what our festival is about, the organisers told XpatLoop.com

FMore from the organisers: We, who dream about the countryside and who dream in the countryside. "Gyüttment”s-to-bes and already -„Gyüttment”s plan and formulate this new Life together. Gyüttment is a funny hungarian nickname for newcomers starting a new life in the countryside.

A Life, in which we do not bypass the mud, but build a house of it. Where we do not eliminate weeds, but cook soup of it. Where, if you are asked how much “capital” (“capital” and “grapevine” are both “tőke” in Hungarian) you have, we say a dozen of “hárslevelű” and some “leányka” (local wine types). We dream of an environmentally conscious, ecology-focused new Life.

We, the pioneers, representatives, guerrillas of eco-conscious existence, gather for four days once a year either as presenters or listeners, but in any case as participants to help, teach and encourage each other and to form a community at a common place. We take off the rules, goals, expectations, fears and worthless order of consumer society and take on the silhouette of a freer, slower and worthier Life.

The Gyüttment Festival is an annual gathering for us, who has noticed, that asphalt is not the material that we can root into, nor makes us happy to bath in long-life milk or branded butter.

We, the new-starters in the countryside, the ones who choose the eco-friendly life and values, who fit in to the landscape meet in festival milieu to share and exchange our knowledge and experience. Along the almost 200 presentations and programs, associations, foundations and communities present themselves, but you can also find individual stories and results. A sole venue and four days – access to all the experience-based knowledge what you may need beyond the comfort-zone. Join us!

This year the Festival will be held at Zebegény, between 23 and 26 of August. 

Gyüttment, the responsible festival

We became Zero Waste festival last year, but being responsible doesn’t stop at minimizing waste. We keep an eye not only on the natural, but also on the social environment. But what does that mean in practice?

Responsible view on economy. One goal of the festival is to make better environment for the locals – who host the festival. Zero Waste and Zero Kilometer means, that all the food and drinks you buy at the festival is locally produced and we only accept them packaging-free.

We support the initiatives for locals’ well-being and involve the local communities into the preparations of the festival, so that they can make some extra income. In formulating the program, we also aim that you meet the locals, local traditions, culture and cultural heritage.

Responsible view on transportation. We support the responsible, eco-friendly transportation forms: whoever arrives on horseback can enter the festival for free, cyclist visit us on discounted rate and we also made a car-sharing site, where the drivers and passengers can easily find each other. Should you choose any of the abovementioned forms of transportation, you already made a step to minimize the environmental load of transportation.

Responsible view on party. It’s fun to go to a festival, but even more fun, if we do not damage the environment! Therefore we compost the food leftover, have compost-toilets, use renewable energy and give all the potential help to you for a responsible festival, but we also need you to make it happen. For example: use the minimum amount of water and bio-degradable toiletries and do not bring anything packaged to the festival.

This year the festival will be held at Zebegény, in the beautiful Danube curve about 70 kilometers from Budapest. The venue will be easily accessible by train or car or even by bike.

If you have any questions please send us an email 

This year at the Community stage we are focusing on personalities and personal connections this why we choose Connections to our key word.

One of the most basic ability to make connections with other people, however this small step seems to be the hardest one. Nowadays we can see that people do not have time to take care of each other or engaging themselves in deep conversations, moreover small talks sometimes frustrate us, make us tired.

As a result, we are starting to believe that these meaningful conversations are do not exist anymore. We tend to believe that this is not depending on us, and we are not making effort to try, even if we know that something is missing from our life.

We should never forget that every human is different and unique, and those beautiful individuals are the foundations of every community. Do remember that there are no such as perfect people and perfect communities.

Therefore our main goal at the Community Stage that place this ‘Connections’ in the focus. We would like to show you some good examples (yeah, there are some ), share value and experience and teach new technics and strategies.
We truly believe that we can help those brave people who want to join one of the biggest and life changing experience (or shall we call it an adventure) to create new communities. Let’s connect!

As Gazdálkodók Tere (Farmer’s Platform) will be hosted by Hungarian Permaculture Assosiation this year, the 3 day will be accordingly about permaculture and sustainable farming.Our plan is to introduce permaculture’ s background and principles through interactive games,and with technical tasks we will talk about the planning part as well.

On the top of these we will discuss practical solutions that fit into the whole concept, and in some cases such as water management, soil vitalizing, plant protection-will dig into deeper details. In our tent you can also hear about other functions agriculture can have apart from food production.

Amongst our lectures you will find further topics like the question of solidary farming, food autonomy and environment protection in farming.Based on previous festival expperiences we bulid our program so that every day there will be basic lectures for beginers and paralel to that there are going to be more specific courses and workshops for advanced people.

Topics we are certainly going to talk about :

• Use and principles of permaculture
• Planning
• Organic farming from permaculture approch, questions and answers with Béla Baji
• Introducing technical examples
• Flexible fruit production
• Soil vitalizing
• Community farming
• Agro-ecology and food autonomy
• Ecologic farming
• Agro-forestry

Short introduction:

Hungarian Permaculture Assosiation ( MAPER)- former Hungarian Permaculture Union was formed in 2006 as an informal comunity. Our most important aim back than was to connect those people who was courious about permaculture in Hungary. MAPER became an official assosiation in 2016 with further goals like to spread-permaculture and to creat oportunities for introducing it to people and also to organise its hungarian education.

Our taskforces work in more fields at the same time, we deal with researches, planning, education, we organise meetings in Budapest and cherish relation with permaculture assosiations from other countries. We had been represented at Gyüttment Fesztivál in the earlier years and gave technical and theorical information about permaculture to the participents, but this year we are about to work out a professional tent for which we are so enthusiastic.

More: gyuttmentfest.hu

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