Budapest’s Keleti Train Station Reopens

  • 27 May 2019 7:25 AM
  • Daily News Hungary
Budapest’s Keleti Train Station Reopens
Budapest’s Keleti station has reopen after two-weeks of closure for maintenance. Some 400 trains pass through Keleti every day, and passenger traffic reaches 12 million a year.

All rail tracks have been repaired and other improvements made during the closure, said Róbert Homolya, CEO of state-owned railway company MÁV.


MÁV recommended the government to rechannel European Union funding available to the railway company to set up a new underground passenger centre at a cost of about 1 billion forints (EUR 3m) at Keleti, Homolya said.



MÁV’s 2019 business plan has earmarked 5 billion forints in 2019 for a renovation programme launched last autumn to update 20 of its busiest railway stations and the 20 busiest railway stops.

MTI Photos: Máthé Zoltán
Source: Daily News Hungary

Related links

Update: Keleti Railway Station Opened On 27 May

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