Foie Gras Festival, Vajdahunyad Castle Budapest, 14 - 15 September
- 15 Sep 2019 10:59 AM

Detailed program:
14:00-14:20 Bodrog Folk Dance Ansemble
14:25-15:20 Pálinkás Gergely Jazz show
15:30-16:00 By Me-Tiszta forrásból - Fashion Show
16:00-16:30 Napraforgó Tale Theatre performance
16:30-17:30 Csurgó Band’s performance for kids
18:00 Irish stepp dance show
20:00 Abrakazabra Band’s concert with Ildikó Keresztes Ildikó and Csaba Vastag
Cooking show and tasting in the gastro tent from 13:00-15:00 with Chef Imre Martin.
Entry is free.
14:00 Opening cermony with Agricultural Minister Dr. István Nagy
14:15-14:45 Sodró Band - folk dance show from Kárpátalja
15:00-15:30 Jazz show by Gergely Pálinkás
15:30-16:00 By Me-Tiszta Forrásból - Fashon show
16:00-16:30 Show for kids by Napraforgó Tale Theatre
16:30-17:30 Csilla Szabó's show for kids
18:30 Tolvai Reni
20:00 Kállay Saunders feat. The Middletonz
Source: Event's Facebook page
Photo for illustration purposes only
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