OMG Ballet Show, Erkel Theatre Budapest, 27 & 28 March
- 5 Mar 2019 1:16 PM

The OMG dance show of the Hungarian National Ballet pays tribute to the work of the two choreographers, evoking the era between 1947 and 1950 with three pieces from the oeuvres of the two masters.
Balanchine’s Sylvia Pas de Deux is a genuine technical feat, and will be performed for the first time ever in Hungary. The 12-minute work follows the traditional structure of the pas de deux and requires technical virtuoso ability and a refined performance style.
The choreography Theme & Variations is also a recent addition to the repertoire of the Hungarian National Ballet. It is now considered a classic which evokes the golden age of Russian ballet and celebrates its memory.
Études is one of choreographer Harald Lander’s most outstanding creations, one that he crafted for the Danish Royal Ballet in 1948. It depicts the everyday work of ballet dancers in its full reality and grandeur: the beauty and aesthetics of classical ballet and the joy and thrill of Dance.
Dates: 27, 28 March 2019
Venue: Erkel Theatre
1087 Budapest, II. János Pál pápa tér 30.
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