Premiere: ’La Gioconda’, Erkel Theatre Budapest, 22 February
- 18 Jan 2019 8:58 AM

The piece that is complex in plot and enthralling in music returns to the Erkel Theatre after a hiatus of twenty years in a new production staged by András Almási-Tóth.
This opera is performed rarely although it has a great performance tradition. It ought to be a discovery for those who hear it for the first time, whereas those familiar with the piece might also experience a revelation,” says Almási-Tóth, artistic director of the Hungarian State Opera since July 2018.
In his opinion, La Gioconda is an atmospheric opera based on enormous chasms between people and their emotions. The complicated plot posed a challenge to the director, who chose to create an abstract space.
In a traditional Venetian scenery the movements of the characters are obstructed by water and bridges as well as a mysterious wooden box representing ‘family’.
All this serves as a perfect background in which eternal human relationships are scrutinised. According to the director “In our world, people cannot connect. Therefore, they attempt to find the most impossible ways to find each other.”
Date and time:
Premiere: 22 February, 6 pm
Further dates: 24, 28 February, & 3, 6, 10 March
Tickets: HUF 1,800 - 8,600
Erkel Theatre Budapest
1087 Budapest, II. János Pál pápa tér 30.
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