Over 1500 Budapest Properties Purchased By Chinese In 2019

  • 1 Apr 2020 1:33 PM
  • Daily News Hungary
Over 1500 Budapest Properties Purchased By Chinese In 2019
Last year 3753 Hungarian properties were purchased by foreigners. Chinese citizens bought 1521 out of them in Budapest.

3206, 3529, 3753. This is the number of real estates purchased by foreign citizens in 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, and the numbers are evidently steadily increasing.

395 of those properties were sold by foreign owners, reported 24.hu.

According to the data of kormany.hu:

  • Foreigners still favour Budapest; they bought 2896 properties last year

  • Debrecen is in second place after the capital with 32 properties sold to foreigners, followed by Sopron where 29 properties were purchased by non-Hungarian citizens

  • 181 properties were sold in Pest county and 155 in Zala county to foreign citizens

  • A total of 1695 pieces of real estate were bought by Chinese people, 1521 in Budapest, 11 in Sopron and eight in Nagykovácsi

  • Citizens of the EU bought 786 properties, 641 of which are located in Budapest, 10 in Debrecen, seven in Szeged, and six in Hegyeshalom

  • Israeli citizens purchased 348 properties, Russians 311, while Ukrainians bought 132. Most of these purchases were also made in Budapest

  • 470 properties were sold in Budapest’s smallest district, in district 7. 162 to Chinese, 145 to Israeli, 102 to EU and 17 to Russian citizens

  • 365 real estate were sold in district 6 and 308 in district 8

  • Chinese citizens now own 52.3 per cent of the properties sold to foreigners, 22 per cent by a member of the European Union, 10.6 by Israeli, 4.4 by Russian and 1.9 by Turkish people

  • District 10 is the most liked by the Chinese, where they bought 189 properties. Several Chinese enterprises operate here, the Monori Center is also located here, so it is no surprise really

  • They also seem to like districts 7 and 13, where they purchased 162 and 156 properties respectively

Sources: Daily News Hungary, 24.hu

Photo courtesy of Northfoto.com

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