Mayor Urges Budapest Residents To Trust Experts & Get Vaccinated

  • 11 Feb 2021 9:51 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Mayor Urges Budapest Residents To Trust Experts & Get Vaccinated
Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony has appealed to Budapest residents to put their trust in experts and get vaccinated against coronavirus. Karácsony said the number of coronavirus infections had been on the rise in recent weeks after a decline in January.

He said he understood that it was increasingly difficult to live with restrictions. “We’re all impatient and can hardly wait for this to end.” But until enough people get inoculated, the best protection is wearing masks and physical distancing", he added.

“It is only with vaccination that we can return to our old lives,” Karácsony said, adding that it was very important for as many people as possible to get vaccinated. “It’s now that we must prevent a potential third wave from flaring up,” he said.

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