Opinion: Is Orban Helping Putin & Blackmailing EU by Blocking Aid to Ukraine?

  • 24 Nov 2022 1:21 PM
Opinion: Is Orban Helping Putin & Blackmailing EU by Blocking Aid to Ukraine?
PM Orban has said that his country will not support the EU plan to provide Ukraine with a $18.6 billion aid package next year. He said while Hungary condemns Russia’s war, he is not willing to put Ukraine’s interests before those of his own country.

The Hungarian PM also spoke about the risks his country and the region were facing as the war in Ukraine continued.

The EU is feeling the heat as it is rushing to support Ukraine with an aid package as the winter approaches.

However, Orban, who is known as Putin’s ally in EU, vocally opposed the bloc’s sanctions against Moscow. Is he trying to help Putin by stopping EU's aid package to Ukraine?

Source: CRUX news

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