Magyar Walks Out of Hungarian ATV Interview

  • 12 Jun 2024 9:01 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Magyar Walks Out of Hungarian ATV Interview
Péter Magyar stood up and left the studio after 90 seconds of an interview on ATV’s "Egyenes Beszéd" political talk show on Monday evening in a dispute with host Egon Rónai.

Video with English language subtitles available here

The interview got off to a confrontational start when Rónai, responding to Magyar’s earlier claim that ATV had not invited him to appear on the channel between March and May, presented a file detailing all of the invitations sent to the Tisza party leader.

As he walked off, Magyar accused Rónai of provocation, said ATV and its CEO Sándor Németh are linked to Fidesz, and declared that Németh and others at the channel are members of the Congregation of Faith.

Németh said on Tuesday that disclosing personal data, including religious affiliation, without consent is illegal and that ATV will support employees in protecting their rights.

Magyar interpreted ATV’s response as a legal threat and continued to accuse the channel of bias and propagandist actions.

He said he had not revealed anyone’s religious affiliations, as the ATV persons he had mentioned had previously publicly declared their ties to the Congregation of Faith.

Responding to the news, independent MP Ákos Hadházy also criticised ATV’s role in maintaining an illusion of media independence in Hungary.


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