Watch: Results of Hungary's European Parliamentary & Local Elections Revealed

  • 12 Jun 2024 10:23 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Watch: Results of Hungary's European Parliamentary & Local Elections Revealed
Péter Magyar, deputy leader and EP list-leading candidate of the Respect and Freedom (Tisza) party, said the Tisza party would prove to the Hungarian people that politics “can be beautiful, just and honest”.

“Today marks the end of an era and the start of the future,” Magyar told Tisza party supporters as the election results were announced in the early hours of Monday.

“The greatest result is that this is the beginning of the end for the [Fidesz] Alliance of Young Democrats and the System of National Cooperation.”

“Despite the billions burned on propaganda, the war psychosis, the hate propaganda, the Hungarian people have seen through the charade,” he said. “Fidesz has never achieved such a weak result in the EP elections.”

“There’s no turning back; this is the slope that [former Socialist PM] Ferenc Gyurcsany also started on, and it’s easy to pick up speed up on it.”

He said Fidesz had lost the public’s trust, and had a chance to decide to call early elections in Hungary in the coming months.

He insisted that one reason to call early elections was because it was uncertain whether the government could “survive the austerity that will be coming because of the state of the budget”. He said it was up to ruling Fidesz to decide “whether they will use the next two years to continue robbing their country”.

In response to a question, he said he had not yet decided whether he would take up his mandate in the Budapest municipal assembly or the European Parliament.

He noted that he had said in the past that he would not become an MEP, adding, however, that the party would be the one to decide. Magyar said Tisza would be joining the European People’s Party in the European Parliament.

He said he had discussed this with Manfred Weber, the EPP’s leader, on the phone last week, and they had agreed that Tisza will send its official application after the results came in. Tisza could join the EPP group as early as next week, he said.

In Budapest assembly, Tisza secured 10 seats, with Fidesz equalizing, while the left-wing opposition garnered 7 seats, while the satirical Two-Tailed Dog party captured 2 mandates.

Fidesz-KDNP won mayoral seats in 6 Budapest districts, opposition parties captured 14 districts, while independents have carried 4 districts.

With 93.73% of the vote counted, the Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance won mayoral seats in 14 county seats in the local elections, while the opposition parties won 7 seats, and independents garnered 4 seats.

Orbán: 'We Have Won Two Elections'

Hungary held two elections on Sunday, and "we have won both", Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told members of his ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance as partial results were being announced.

Turnout was around 57% at the European Parliament and local elections on Sunday, “another nice record”, Orbán said. “Democracy is alive and well, thank you,” he added.

The people of Hungary “have sent a clear message that they want peace”, he said, adding that the “political message” of the EP elections was that Hungarians made it clear that they chose peace over war.

Orbán said the election result reinforced the government’s pro-peace policy, vowing that the government would use the mandate given to it by voters to “redouble its efforts to keep Hungary out of the war”.

“To sum up the results of the European parliamentary election, we can send a telegram to Brussels that reads ‘Migration stop, gender stop, war stop, Soros stop, Brussels stop,'” Orbán said.

With 83.57% of the vote counted, Fidesz was set to gain 11 EP seats, with Péter Magyar’s Tisza party capturing 7 seats, the left-wing opposition alliance 2 mandates and the Our Homeland Movement a single seat.

With 95.64% of the vote counted, the result of the Budapest mayoral election gave the incumbent, Gergely Karácsony, a razor-thin lead.

Dobrev Laments 'Disappointing Result'

Klára Dobrev, the list-leading MEP candidate of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK), Socialist and Dialogue-Greens parties, called the outcome of Hungary’s European parliamentary and local elections “disappointing”, at a ballot-watch early on Monday.

Dobrev said they had thought that their policies would “convince more people”.

She said three of the four parties that would be representing Hungary in the EP were right wing and they “envision a very different Europe to the one we do”.

She said they still believed that a strong Europe could guarantee prosperity to Hungarians in their everyday lives.

Dobrev said that over the coming months and years DK would aim to convince more and more people that they could only prosper in a strong Europe, arguing that Hungary would be “crippled” by a weakened Europe.

Ferenc Gyurcsany, DK’s leader, said the elections had “significantly reshaped the Hungarian political map”, adding that the reasons behind this and its consequences would be discussed in depth in the coming days and weeks.

He said it was “disappointing” that DK would have fewer MEPs than they had wanted, “but the European idea we represent won’t change”.

Toroczkai: Four Political Forces to Decide Hungary's Direction from 2026

The four political forces “that remain standing” after the 2024 European parliamentary and local elections “will be the ones to decide Hungary’s fate”, the leader of the Our Homeland Movement said in the early hours of Monday.

László Toroczkai told a press conference before the final results were published that it was clear his radical party had achieved its main goal of winning a seat in the European Parliament.

Concerning his party’s performance in the local elections, he said Our Homeland appeared to be the second strongest party outside the capital, arguing that the party was in second place in several county assemblies.

Donáth: 'We Will Continue to Build'

The Momentum party will “continue to build”, Anna Donáth, the leader of the party’s EP election list, said in Budapest early on Monday, adding that Momentum had won seats in all but one of the county assemblies, with over 20 percent in Pest county.

Assessing the results of Sunday’s local and European parliamentary elections, Donáth noted that Momentum also won a number of mayoral seats, in the 6th, 8th and 14th districts of Budapest, as well as in several rural localities.

She thanked the 120,000 voters for their support in the European parliamentary elections, in which Momentum failed to reach the parliamentary threshold, adding that Momentum would carry on its work “because it has pledged to represent them”.

Results for Budapest Mayoral Election with 100.00% of Votes Counted

The National Election Office said on Monday morning that candidates for Budapest mayor have garnered the following percentage of votes with 100% of the votes counted.

Gergely Karácsony for the Democratic Coalition-Socialists-Dialogue-Greens leads with 47.53% (371,467 votes).

Dávid Vitézy representing the For Budapest with Dávid Vitézy-LMP-Greens comes second with 47.49% (371,143 votes).

Dr, András Grundtner for the Our Homeland Movement is placed third with 4.98% (38,943 votes).

National Election Office


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Hungary Matters

Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

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    Watch: "Peace March" in Budapest

    • 3 Jun 2024 11:30 AM

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