Energy Drink Makers Fined for Labelling Violations in Hungary

  • 17 Oct 2024 1:13 PM
Energy Drink Makers Fined for Labelling Violations in Hungary
Hungarian food safety authority Nebih has levied fines of more than HUF 2.6 million on producers of energy drinks for labelling violations, the watchdog said.

In a probe, Nebih found 28 of 35 products were improperly labelled, showing inaccurate values for caffeine content, ingredients, nutritional values or place of origin.

Twenty of the products in the probe were manufactured in Hungary.

Meanwhile, Hell Energy suspends energy drink production amid vitamin B shortage

Hell Energy Magyarorszag is temporarily suspending production of its energy drinks due to a Europe-wide shortage of vitamin B, the soft drink maker said on Tuesday.

The suspension will start on Thursday and last for "2-3 weeks at the most", Hell Energy said. Production of other coffee, cola and water products will continue, it added.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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