1956 Revolution Holiday: Preview of Events Inc Orban Speech in Budapest on 23 October

  • 17 Oct 2024 5:57 AM
1956 Revolution Holiday: Preview of Events Inc Orban Speech in Budapest on 23 October
Prime Minister Viktor Orban will give a speech on October 23, Hungary's national holiday, in the Millenaris Park in Budapest, commemorating the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom fight against communist rule, the Government Information Centre (KTK) said.

Official celebrations will start on October 22, with dignitaries laying wreaths at the memorial at the Budapest Technical and Economics University at 2pm, it said in a statement. Afterwards, Gergely Gulyas, the head of the Prime Minister's Office, will give a speech at 3pm.

At 4pm, a torch-lit march of 2,500 students will take place to Bem Square, where Speaker of Parliament Laszlo Kover will give a speech, it said.

On October 23, the national flag will be hoisted at Kossuth Square in front of Parliament at 9am. President Tamas Sulyok will give a speech at a gala at the Palace of Arts (Mupa) at 6pm.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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Parliament and the House of Terror Museum will be open to the public to visit free of charge all day. Commemorations will be held at the Heroes' Wall at the House of Terror museum and at Plot 301 of the New Public Cemetery.

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