Crime in Hungary Down Dramatically, Official Figures Revealed

  • 3 Oct 2024 6:20 AM
Crime in Hungary Down Dramatically, Official Figures Revealed
Bucking trends in Europe, the number of crimes committed in Hungary has more than halved since 2010, Bence Retvari, the parliamentary state secretary of the interior ministry said.

Addressing a press conference held on the occasion of the establishment of the National Crime Prevention Council ten years ago, Retvari noted that when the government came into power in 2010, 447,000 crimes were registered in Hungary against 178,000 today.

By contrast, in most parts of Europe crimes are going up due to illegal migration, he insisted.

The government has increased spending on law enforcement to 1,309 billion forints from 449 billion while tightening criminal policy with, for example, the three strikes law. Also, the work of the law enforcement agencies has become more effective, he added.

The state secretary said the establishment of the National Crime Prevention Council ten years ago was "an important achievement", and its remit is to reduce the number of victims as much as possible as well as rates of recidivism.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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