Magyar: 'Orban is Like the Captain of the Titanic'

  • 21 Oct 2024 6:03 AM
Magyar: 'Orban is Like the Captain of the Titanic'
Peter Magyar, the leader of the opposition Tisza party, on Friday said Prime Minister Viktor Orban was like the captain of the Titanic, "driving the ship into an iceberg then lying to the passengers about how he'll steer it in their interest."

Commenting on Orban's radio interview on Friday, Magyar accused Orban of "turning Hungary into the poorest and most corrupt country of the European Union and then styling himself the future saviour of the homeland."

While "lying" that Tisza would bring migrants into the country, "Orban and his government let 2,000 imprisoned people smugglers go, turned the issue of residency bonds into a business, are building a migrant camp and they flooded rural Hungary with more than 100,000 Asian migrants," Magyar told MTI in a statement.

Orban "is also lying about peace while they are building weapon, armoured vehicle and ammunition factories, sent hundreds of Hungarian troops to civil war-torn Chad, and their closest allies in the Patriots for Europe party group are actively supporting weapon deliveries to Ukraine," Magyar said.

The government was "one of the main helpers of Asian and global multinational companies" and their flawed policies had put Hungarian companies in impossible situations, Magyar said. "They squandered 1,000 billion forints of public funds on Asian investments of battery and EV plants alone," he said. Meanwhile, mom-and-pop businesses are drowning under tax and administrative burdens, he said.

At the same time, Orban "has turned members of his family and friends into trillionaires, even as 3 million Hungarians, 100,000 children among them, live under the poverty line," he said.

"The time of lying is over, it is over, Mr. Prime Minister," Magyar said.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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