New Retail Sales Figures Up in Hungary

  • 7 Oct 2024 12:41 PM
New Retail Sales Figures Up in Hungary
Retail sales in Hungary rose 4.1pc year-on-year in August, adjusted for calendar year effects, data released by the Central Statistics Office (KSH) on Monday show.

Adjusted food sales increased 7.5pc, non-food sales rose 2.9pc and vehicle fuel sales edged down 1.2pc.

Unadjusted retail sales increased 3.2pc.

Retail sales rose 0.8pc in a month-on-month comparison, adjusted for seasonal and calendar year effects.

In absolute terms, retail sales came to HUF 1,668bn in August. Food sales accounted for 50pc of the total, non-food sales for 34pc and sales at petrol stations for 16pc.

For the period January-August, retail sales rose an adjusted 2.8pc and an unadjusted 3.1pc from the same period a year earlier.

Commenting on the fresh data, the National Economy Ministry said the upward trend that had started in January had continued in August. It added that retail sales growth had been supported by a dynamic increase in real wages.

The ministry augured continued growth in the sector as consumers' caution eased. Higher retail turnover, along with the dynamic increase in tourism, will be the "engine of economic growth", it added.

Full report available here.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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