Report: A Memorable Summer Evening on the Danube: "United - Passion, Show & Party"

  • 13 Jun 2024 8:09 AM
Report: A Memorable Summer Evening on the Danube: "United - Passion, Show & Party"
From the organisers: Dear Friends of the ITL Group & Budapest Business Party community! As the summer sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the Danube, the "United - Passion, Show & Party" aboard the Spoon the Boat transformed into a lively hub of connections and celebrations. 

This event, more than just a gathering, organized by Hideparty and supported by ITL Group and the community from the Budapest Business Party, was a vibrant testament to the power of community and shared experiences.

For years, ITL Group has been dedicated to organizing events that support and enhance the international business community. Our commitment is to create opportunities for meaningful connections, foster collaborations, and celebrate the diverse talents within our network. 

Through carefully curated gatherings, such as the UNITED - Passion, Show & Party organized by Hideparty, together we strive to provide a platform where business meets pleasure, enabling professionals from various industries to engage, inspire, and grow together. 

Within the frame of our Projects without borders, our events are designed not only to entertain but also to build bridges across borders, reinforcing our mission to support a thriving international business community in Hungary.

ITL Group and all the partners were highly satisfied with the event, noting the seamless execution and the enthusiastic participation of the attendees. The turnout met our expectations, and the positive feedback from both guests and sponsors alike has been incredibly encouraging.

From the moment guests stepped aboard, they were greeted with a warm, convivial atmosphere that set the tone for the evening. The Spoon the Boat, known for its majestic presence on the Danube, offered a picturesque setting that was both inspiring and welcoming. As the evening unfolded, the backdrop of Budapest’s skyline, illuminated by the setting sun, provided a stunning canvas that enhanced the event's allure.

The night was filled with a series of captivating performances that were the heartbeat of the evening. Live music performances stirred the souls of attendees, creating a rhythmic synergy between the guests and the melodies. 

The highlight, a fashion show by NRN Privée, added an element of elegance and artistry, showcasing breathtaking designs that mirrored the beauty of the evening itself.

But "United - Passion, Show & Party" was more than just a spectacle of entertainment; it was a fertile ground for networking. The event attracted a diverse group of individuals from various industries, all eager to connect and share stories under the stars. The informal setting allowed for genuine interactions, with many guests forming new friendships and strengthening existing ones. It was a reminder of how shared passions can unite people in profound and meaningful ways.

Sponsors and partners played a crucial role in enriching the experience, offering interactive activities that engaged guests throughout the night. Each element of the event was thoughtfully curated to ensure that the evening was not only enjoyable but also memorable.

As the night drew to a close, it was clear that "United - Passion, Show & Party" had achieved its goal of creating a memorable experience for all who attended. The combination of a stunning setting, engaging entertainment, and the warmth of new and old friends made this event a highlight of the summer social calendar.

The success of the evening was a reflection of the community's spirit and the shared joy of coming together to celebrate life's beautiful moments. As guests departed, the echoes of laughter and the light of shared connections lingered in the air, a promise of more such gatherings in the future. It was not just an event; it was an experience that would be cherished and remembered by all who were part of it.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the partners who made "UNITED - Passion, Show & Party" an evening fueled by passion, show, and party!

Guests were also delighted by the presence of a graphology expert, president of the graphology association and a talented tarot reader, along with several other engaging attractions that added a unique touch to the evening's festivities. 

A special thank you to all the guests who joined us. Without your participation, this experience would not have been possible. 

"United, we express the best of humanity, growing stronger together on our shared journey aboard Earth. Let's evolve by embracing our connections and supporting each other." - Luigino Bottega, Hideparty founder

Event pictures available here


'UNITED - Passion, Show & Party' Event,  Spoon Boat Budapest, 6 June 

From the Organizing Team: UNITED - Passion, Show & Party is an exclusive evening that promises to capture the essence of passion, entertainment, and style. Set against the stunning backdrop of Budapest, this event offers a perfect blend of business and pleasure, fashion and festivity. 

Themed "United by passion for enterprise," the event is supported by ITL Group and the community from the "Budapest Business Party."

It promises an evening where guests can unite over shared passions and enjoy the beautiful sunset views of Budapest, including the Buda Castle and the city’s picturesque bridges.

HideParty is known for its exclusive events in Budapest that blend elegance with entertainment. These events are designed to be memorable experiences that attract a dynamic international community. The "UNITED - Passion, Show & Party" event epitomizes this blend by offering an evening of connection, entertainment, and elegance aboard the stationary boat restaurant "Spoon the Boat" in Budapest.

Event Highlights Include:

Exclusive Performances: From 7 PM, guests will be treated to live music, and a special fashion show by NRN Privée, designed to dazzle and inspire. From 10:00 PM, a celebrated DJ will take over, filling the evening with classic party hits.

Networking Opportunities: Engage with like-minded individuals and industry leaders in an atmosphere perfect for making meaningful connections.

Spectacular Views:

Enjoy the mesmerizing views of Budapest’s historic skyline and its glittering night lights from a unique vantage point.

Welcome Drink on Arrival:

Toast to new beginnings and shared successes with a complimentary welcome drink courtesy of our sponsors.

Additional Attractions:

For those seeking a bit of adventure, short boat trips on the Danube will be available, allowing guests to experience the city’s lights from a unique perspective on the water.

Dine in Style on Spoon the Boat:

On June 6th, the restaurant inside Spoon the Boat will be open for all guests who wish to enjoy a delightful dinner on board. Make your evening even more special with a memorable dining experience during the UNITED - Passion, Show & Party event. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to savor delicious dishes in an elegant setting.

This summer celebration is not just an event; it’s a spectacular convergence of lights, sounds, and heartfelt reunions. Rekindle old friendships, forge new connections, and revel in the joy of our collective passions.

Ticket Information:

* Price: 15.000 HUF
* Inclusions: Your ticket grants access to all performances and the welcome drink. Please note that additional food and drinks will be available for purchase. 

Secure your place aboard this unforgettable journey. Due to limited availability, we encourage you to book your tickets promptly to ensure your participation in this exclusive event.

Book Your Tickets Now!

Join us as we celebrate the spirit of unity and the joy of summer in the heart of Budapest. Let’s make this evening a testament to our passions and a party to remember!

We look forward to celebrating with you,

The Organizing Team

UNITED - Passion, Show & Party

Date: June 6th
Time: 7:00 PM - Midnight
Location: Spoon the Boat, 1052 Budapest, Vigadó tér 3.

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