370 Hungarian Athletes to Compete in LA28 Olympics
- 24 Jan 2025 7:19 AM

Adam Schmidt told a professional conference focusing on the achievements of Hungarian sports in 2024 that the 19 medals received by Hungarians in the Paris Olympics could be considered a success, though European Olympic achievements had been "going in the wrong direction and we would like to stop and reverse that trend in relation to Hungary".
Schmidt noted a new sports support system in Hungary, with Olympics sports grouped into five categories, and there is closer cooperation with the university of physical education.
He added that under a programme dubbed LA10, Hungary aims for 10 golds or to be among the top 10 nations in terms of gold medals.
He said that 3 billion forints (EUR 7.3m) has been allocated to prepare Hungarian athletes competing in LA28.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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