Auchan to Open Shop Without Staff in Budapest

  • 23 Jan 2025 10:59 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Auchan to Open Shop Without Staff in Budapest
Auchan Hungary is about to open an unmanned Auchan Go shop in Budapest’s 11th District, the retail chain announced.

The 18m2 store will be open for 24 hours every day, servicing customers equipped with the OkAuchan app.

The unmanned store on the corner of Bártfai utca and Vahot utca will operate in compliance with an AI-based camera system and a weight-sensing shelf system.

The retailer expects to sell snacks, biscuits and refreshments primarily for children to families visiting the adjacent Bikás Park and playground, as well as isotonic drinks and energy bars to athletes, and basic foodstuffs to local residents.

The new shop is expected to open at the end of February.


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