Doctors Caught Performing Gender-Reassignment Surgeries Outside Working Hours at State Facilities in Hungary

  • 31 Jan 2025 12:29 PM
Doctors Caught Performing Gender-Reassignment Surgeries Outside Working Hours at State Facilities in Hungary
Police have caught two doctors in Kiskunhalas who had performed gender-reassignment surgeries outside working hours for cash at the local hospital.

One doctor charged between Ft 600,000 and Ft 1 million for the operations.

Apart from her private practice, the doctor also worked at the hospital and so she was able to perform operations with another doctor after her working hours.

They used the infrastructure and facilities of the publicly financed hospital.

Police detained one doctor at the Kiskunhalas hospital and the other in a private consulting room and seized medical documents and financial accounts.

Video available here

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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